The Darkness, Called Doubt – by Author Wallace

One thing that kills our community, is doubt! And, I’ll be one of the first to say, “It’s not your fault.” You may have witnessed your childhood friend getting gunned down by another classmate simply because he/she made good grades on their homework and exams. You may have experienced bullying because your entrepreneurial spirit escalated at an early age. Some people may have been outcasts because they were too poor to fit-in. 




Families fall apart and children are forced to choose one parent over the other. Single parents work two jobs and still barely providing for their kids. Exhausted teachers with no support and growing classrooms, take their frustrations out on the students. Police make unlawful arrests, incarcerate the youth on petty drug charges, but fail to convict murderers. And, all these things may have contributed to you losing hope in yourself, family, and community. 




One bad experience after another and you find yourself filled with doubt. Doubting that you can make it out of your community alive. Doubting that you’re worthy of success. Doubting that you’ll live to see your 18th or 21st birthday. Who would have thought that living to see your 18th birthday was a life goal worth cherishing? Could you imagine waking up everyday and the thought of returning home alive consuming your thought process? Perhaps, you can and sadly for some, that’s their greatest life achievement. 




Young kids usually start off with dreams of being an astronaut, famous dancer, professional athlete, lawyer, doctor, and even the president. I can recall excitement oozing from a child’s eyes and smile as he/she spoke about their big dreams of conquering the world and building their legacy. But, now it’s disturbing how a hard life eats away at your inner light, and fills you with the darkness, known as doubt, and you’re left with nothing but survival instincts. 




I repeat, it is not your fault and you are not alone! The life of your community depends on you and the actions you take to revive it back to it’s former glory, or to elevate it to a status no one has ever witnessed. Your past does not have to define your future. Your current struggles do not have to define your destiny. Your limitations do not have to detour your focus or dreams. Your were created uniquely different from anyone else, and you possess the tools to achieve your wildest dreams. The only being capable of stopping you, is YOU! 




It is ok to be afraid of what the future holds! It is ok to be uncertain about how things will end. It is even ok to question whether you’re ready to take that leap of faith. Just remember, greatness is waiting for you on the other side of that struggle, disadvantage, or doubt you’re currently facing. But, always find the courage to listen to that voice on the inside saying, “The time is now, you can do this!” 




Thank you for reading my blog, and share this message with others! Also, remember to leave a comment about how you felt while reading this week’s blog. Did it resonate with you and a previous or current battle you’re fighting? Tell me your thoughts and we can discuss more. 



Be blessed, my friends! 

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